Wednesday, May 6, 2015

THE DAILY ASSIGNATION: Day 42 "Blue-Bearded Lover"

Death is cum, cumming is death. -- Fuck love: Loving the Fuck. It's hard to get by with love, at least movie love, so true love, the real love. It's really hard to move with the love around the neck. -- Any plans tonight? -- Who's Judith and who's Bluebeard? -- No. -- You're Judith, and Im Bluebeard. -- Good. -- Who's the third guy? -- Alcohol is love, Candy is love, Cigarettes are love -- He's not in the equation. -- Medication is love, over-medication is love, over-dose is love, -- The collar's too tight, I can barely breathe. -- Driving is love, car crashes are love, ozone death is love, green house gases are clingy obsessive love, global warming is love, the consummation of the earth's surface by the over-surfacing water is love. -- Is that my problem? -- Nuclear way is love, H-Bomb is love, World War I II III IV is love. -- Dont you just love the heart shaped lock? It's so dear. 

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