Tuesday, April 14, 2015

THE DAILY ASSIGNATION: Day 32 "A Sentimental Encounter"

R. stared at a statue of h'self. It has been put in the rain for too long; in parts the rebarb shows, coming up like arterial spray, flashing their rusty ugly heads among the smooth stone whose paint is slowly chipping away. 'What do you think?'. Curtly: 'Hm.' 'You should see mine,' said B. R. had. B. had blue hair today,  light creamy blue, the color you'd paint a baby boy's room. 'How much longer do we have to without seeming rude?' Yuppies, beatniks, hipsters, punks: they were all here. 'I'd say another...10 minutes?' R. didnt respond. Meet 'n' Greet. Ugh. 'I hate art.'; 'Then why are you friend with Marvello?'; 'I like artists,' someone put on a record, 'I hate art.' -- Do you find it Ironic, or Lazy? 'B. and Marvello are basically the same person.' I know. 'Try giving them more-different physical features, that might help a tad.' I dont know if I can they all look like J to me. 'Well that's your problem.' Yeah? 'They arent.' -- Repeating a symbol gives it meaning. Repeating a phase gives it power. Repeating an action, in text, gives it permanence. Repeating an action in life makes you insane.

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