Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Abscess abstain -- Never read a word, never crossed my eyes with the lines of the page, never see nothin' never heard nothin' never said nothin'. -- Sitting still is an impossible chore. His face is hot, specifically, a small square area on the upper part of his left check, just slightly under the bone. Yesterday it burned like acid. -- Dreadful, simply dread full. -- Most of yesterday is stacked with sleep and shame. -- Every gestures is forced. He moves as if it great pain or with monumental stain. Yet he shakes. -- Beg, Plead. -- What is it you want? What do you desire? -- Beg, plead, ask. Beg. Plead. Pleading, shame shot shoot blow out blow, blow out, plead. Beg. Begging. Ask. Just ask, Im sick of asking, sick of begging, sick of pleading. But I need to. -- He could do nothing but prevent it from happening, which was agony. There was no fixing it, there was no solution, only prevention. He had to keep it all up, no matter how much he wanted to shake, fall to the floor and writhe violently, and scream. No matter how much, he had to hold it in.

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