Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Gettin' some serious The Girl Next Door vibes off this one. -- Blonde bound bold bolt bounding bound found lost tossed off love love blonde-black, black-blonde. -- It's gibberish, really. Gibberish. 'It sells' So? 'That must mean it's great.' Or that people are fucking morons. 'Who cares? They buy it. They love it. What does it matter in quality and content if it's something they connect with?' Cuz fuck'em. -- Waiting waiting waiting.. . . . .jesus, I have shit to do tomorrow (sortof) what's taking him? -- Tim's Vermeer, The Night Porter, -- waiting waiting, aw fuck need to _____________. -- Belle de Jour tomorrow. -- Fanfiction is the only place to find true love anymore. The decimals and the pixels that make up the blind code of language, of text, that's the only place left to find anything of worth. Online. It's all online. All of life is online. -- waiting waiting buffer buffer bumper buffer buffering waiting wait waiting. .. . . . I wonder what he does when I dont show up? What does he do on the nights Im not conjured? I should probably know, or atleast think about it. What does he do when I tell him to fuckoff? What does he do when I dont appear? Does he finger himself? Does he shower? Does he yank it? Does he shove that little lube bottle up that temperamental ass? What does he do after I leave, after a bad show? What, what, wot, wat waht hwat, what waht what? Good god. -- Good God. -- The flicks were fine. -- I've done so much in here. Written a shit load of things. Written porn, written romance, written horrors. Almost cried in here a few times. Watched The Color of Love in here. There's a lot of me in the coffee shop, a lot of past in this place for me. I wonder if that'll ever matter? -- Running away. Run away. Way. Return. Retrieved. Unnoticed. Sneak snuck, never tell never tell this is the secret never to tell never to tell tell tell --  waiting waiting waiting, Ok, fuck it. He's taking too too long. Im going to sleep. Fuck him. Im going to sleep.

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